2019 has been the year of LinkedIn, and it looks like 2020 will be just as impactful. No other social media platform has generated organic growth as seen on LinkedIn this year. LinkedIn influencers, such as Shay Rowbutton, can attest to this shift on social media. Remember when you were able to get organic growth on Facebook back in 2012? Well, it’s 2012 all over again but with a new platform. Any business who wants to stay competitive needs to have a profile on LinkedIn, but it is also essential to be active with posting, commenting, and now live streaming as well. In order to excel on this business-driven platform, there are several tips that will garner success.
LinkedIn Live is Live
LinkedIn Live should always be live. While it might be extremely tempting to upload a previously recorded video via live and act like it is happening in real time, you will lose trust with your connections.
People enjoy live videos because of the personal connection that they provide. If the video is not in real time, then there is no point for your connections to try to engage. For those who would like to upload non-live videos, use the regular posting feature to provide this kind of content.
Hashtag Your Stream
#LinkedInLive is a good hashtag staple to use. You should also customize your own hashtag to reflect your brand so your connections can find you. In addition, LinkedIn allows you to use up to 30 hashtags. While you don’t want to overcrowd your posts with hashtags, you should include ones that are relevant to your industry. Additionally, choose the best ones that reflect your topic of choice. Make it catchy while you’re at it!
Create a LinkedIn Live Weekly Series
You don’t need a good camera, nor do you need a camera crew or marketing experts to get started with LinkedIn Live. Make the decision to produce regularly on this platform, including monthly, weekly or daily LinkedIn Live videos. By creating consistency, your network of connections will associate your brand with your live videos. Whether you are teaching a skill, providing updates or simply connecting with your audience through providing value, your name and brand will be more recognizable, leaving a substantial impact on those who watch.
Limit Your Daily LinkedIn Live Output
While it is smart to stay active on LinkedIn throughout the day, be mindful of how you are connecting with others. Commenting and posting micro and long content should be maintained throughout the day. However, going live should be limited to only once a day. Your subset of followers are notified when you go live. This subset includes a percentage of active followers as well as inactive followers who are most likely to engage with video. If they receive multiple notifications about your live at various times per day, they might find this irritating.
Moderate Your Stream
Your LinkedIn Live needs to have a moderator. Assign someone on your team to have administrative access to your LinkedIn. This Page Admin can then open the company page on their desktop and moderate the comments section. If anyone says anything inappropriate, the Page Admin can flag and delete the comment. Also, this designated person can keep track of any potential sales leads or interest expressed in the comments so you can follow up after the live has been completed.
Share Your Live
Ask your employees or business partners to also share your live with their connections. The more people who share your live, the more people you will reach. During your first few live streams, you may not have a ton of people watching. However, with time, more of your followers will become familiar with the time and content of your live. Try posting reminders about your live streams on your page so more people can join. If visibility and reach are important to you, consider connecting with a live streaming platform, such as Contentflow, which can help you grow your network. Contact Contentflow for a free demo today.
Repurpose Your Stream
Don’t just go live and discard the contents afterwards. Repurpose your live stream so you can optimize the content for usage. Perhaps, you can cut out a snippet and post it on your various social media platforms. You could even transcribe your live stream and turn it into a blog post. Because different people prefer to consume content in various ways, it is essential to diversify the manner in which you share your knowledge with your audience.
If you would like more information on how to optimize your LinkedIn Live for success, check out this post for guidance. With the boom of live streaming, businesses now have an extra tool to not only gain a stronger presence in the market but to create a lasting brand. Utilizing LinkedIn Live can help to position your business as a leader in your industry.